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V Ankaria Award artist book

The Ankaria Foundation announces the V Ankaria Prize for the Artist's Book, an initiative that originated in 2014, associated with the exhibition 'The Painted Word', and with which it is intended to promote the production of artist books among the creative community. After the success of past editions, the Foundation has decided to continue with the project and to call the fifth edition of the prize.

The winning projects will become part of the next exhibition in roaming 'The Word Painted'. This exhibition covers a wide variety of plastic and technical languages, as a result of welcoming different artists, and reveals itself as a living entity, in constant evolution, that grows with each new edition and tries to continue contributing novelties to the exciting world of artist's book . 

The prize has become, in its four years of life, the most important one organized in Spain within this specialty and is open to the participation of plastic artists from all over the world. A total of 345 projects were presented last year.

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