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Strip Poker

Item date(s): 1991

Steven J. Bernstein

Pages: unpaged
Size: 300mm
Edition: #97/200

Place publication: New York
Publisher: Flockophobic Press
Cat. 51
Exhibition 1996

Additional notes:
Design by A. S. C. Rower. Text on strip of paper inside bottle.

Illustrated as Lot 78 of The Ritter Collection of Modern Illustrated Books and Livres d'Artiste, Swann Auction Galleries, 5/5/09.

Exhibition notes:
Item 51 on Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection, with some South African Books from Other Collections. Johannesburg Art Gallery, 25 August to 27 October 1996

Beyond Words, JGCBA, 20 June - 11 August 2023

Ref: GB/536

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