Beyond Words

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Hollow Words

Item date(s): 1995

Douglas Beube

Pages: 41pp
Size: 195mm

Place publication: New York
Publisher: Artist's Book
Cat. 9; 170-C5
Exhibition 2014; 2017

Additional notes:
Altered Book with drilled-out text throughout.

The book is opened at the middle and lies flat in this position in a blue flip-top box.

Exhibition notes:
Item 9 on TEXTures: an exhibition of texts, textures and structure in artists’ books.

Archives & Special Collections, University of Johannesburg

5 March to 18 April 2014

Item 0170 - C5-2/3 on Booknesses: Artists' books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection.

UJ Art Gallery, University of Johannesburg

25 March to 5 May 2017

Beyond Words


20 June - 11 Aug 2023

Ref: GB/548

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.