Beyond Words

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Caro Giordano
Resonanzen & Gestrupp /risonanze e fratte (Resonances and fractions)

Item date(s): 2021

Giordano Bruno  - (text by)
Ulrike Stoltz  - (book artist)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 342mm
Binding: Quarter leather
Language: German; Italian
Inscription: Signed by the artist
Edition: #9/18

Place publication: Pliezhausen, Germany
Publisher: Druckerei Karl Grammlich

Additional notes:
A 30-year examination of Giordano Bruno's appropriate diversity and lushness in typographic and graphic diversity.

Leading and end eight-page prints in black-and-white and colour respectively.

The book is available in a digital and offset printed edition of 100 copies at DKG, Pliezhausen.

The special edition of 20 further copies also contains pictures printed using different techniques, some of which are similar, but clearly differ.

Reference note:
Giordano Bruno

Italian philosopher

Giordano Bruno was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician, poet, cosmological theorist, and Hermetic occultist. He is known for his cosmological theories, which conceptually extended the then novel Copernican model.

Born: 1548, Nola, Italy. Died: 17 February 1600, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy

Notable ideas: Cosmic pluralism; Era: Renaissance; Main interests: Cosmology

Exhibition notes:
'Beyond Words' Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts, Johannesburg. 7 June 2023 - 11 August 2023

Ref: GB/30417

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