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Depero Futurista
Reader's Guide to the facsimile also known as the Bolted Book

Item date(s): 2017

Steven Heller
Raffaele Bedarida  - (introduction by)
Heather Ewing  - (introduction by)

Pages: 47pp
Size: 242mm

Place publication: Brooklyn, NY
Publisher: Designers & Books
ISBN: 978-0-692-85737-3

Additional notes:
See also item GB/15949 which is the facsimile also known as the Bolted Book and is contained in the same box as this item.

Including: Selected Annotated Pages from the Bolted Book.

Exhibition notes:
Beyond Word\


20 June - 11 Aug 2023

Ref: 3221


The Fate and Fortune of Depero Futurista
 Nicoletta Boschiero (essay by)

Derero and Azari in the Archives of the Mart
 Federico Zanoner (essay by)

Making of the Bolted Book
 Gianluca Camillini (essay by)

Unbolted: A Reader's Guide
 Raffaele Bedarida (essay by)

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