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The Ultimate Safari

Item date(s): 2001

Nadine Gordimer  - (author)
Mark Attwood

Pages: unpaged
Size: 200mm, oblong
Inscription: Signed by the author.
Edition: #12/100

Place publication: Johannesburg, RSA
Publisher: The Artists' Press
ISBN: 0-620-28188-X
Cat. 234-C8 ZA
Exhibition 2017

Additional notes:
With original hand-printed lithographs, signed by Aletah Masuku, Alsetah Manthosi and Dorah Ngomane. Workshop facilitated by Tamar Mason and Paul Emmanuel in 1995. Hand-bound by Peter Carstens with fabric slipcase.

Exhibition notes:
Book Arts: Artists' Books

Curated by Wilheim van Rensberg and Alet Vorster

AOP Gallery, 44 Stanley Ave, Johannesburg

25 October - 15 November 2014

Item 0234 - C8 ZA on Booknesses: Artists' books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection.

UJ Art Gallery, University of Johannesburg

25 March to 5 May 2017

Ref: GB/2475

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