Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places

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Mapping my World
Buildings and Bridges

Item date(s): 2002

Laura Davidson

Pages: unpaged
Size: 190mm
Edition: #13/30

Place publication: Boston, MA
Publisher: Artists Book

Additional notes:
Colophon: Inspired by a 1571 Ortelius Atlas, these maps, floor plans, buildings and bridges create he blueprint of my physical world. The prints are on Rives BFK and are hinged with rice paper. Pop-up elements are made from Canson. The vintage stamps and compasses were found by luck.

In heavy wooden boards with a compas set into the front cover.

See similar book: Just One Look, 2016, page 8.

Exhibition notes:
Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places


6 February – 13 May 2024

Ref: GB/10151

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