Beyond Words

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Poetry of Chance Encounters

Item date(s): 2003

Harriet Bart

Pages: unpaged
Size: 232mm
Edition: #10/35

Place publication: Minneapolis, MN
Publisher: Mneumonic Press

Additional notes:
Colophon: "Thirty-five copies of this book were printed on Rives BFK (180gsm) and bound in full leather. In addition there are five copies designated artist proofs: Four bound (A-D) and one set of flats (E). Conceived and directed by Harriet Bart & and printed in collaboration with Philip Gallo at the Hermetic Press.

Leather binding designed & executed by Jill Jevne."

Bound in full brown leather. Housed in a decorated leather-trimmed slipcase.

Illustrated on page 9 of Beyond Words, Artists' Books by Ruth R. Rogers, 2006.

Illustrated in One Great Night, The Art of the Book.

Exhibition notes:
Beyond Words


20 June - 11 Aug 2023

Ref: GB/10176

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