Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places

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Secrets of the Spread

Item date(s): 2005

Douglas Holleley

Inscription: Signed by the artist.
Edition: #2/33

Place publication: Rochester, NY
Publisher: Artists Book

Additional notes:
The images of the gutters and spreads in this book are photographed from "Les Mille & Tours, ou Experiences de Physique Amusante et de Magic Blanche", Paris, 1869. The images of the eyes and mouths are from "Descriptive Mnentality from the Head, Face and Hands" by Holmes W. Merton, Philadelphia, 1899.

Accordion fold.

Illustrated on page 27 of Beyond Words, Artists' Books by Ruth R. Rogers, 2006.

Exhibition notes:
‘Celebrating one hundred years: The rise and development of the artist's book over the last 100 years.’, Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts, Johannesburg. April 1st, 2022, to June 3rd 2022.

Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places


6 February – 13 May 2024

Ref: GB/10957

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