Beyond Words

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Dictionary Story

Item date(s): 2006

Sam Winston

Pages: unpaged
Size: 355mm
Inscription: Signed by the artist.
Edition: #27/100

Place publication: London
Publisher: Circle Press
Cat. 16;133-C7
Exhibition 2014;2017

Additional notes:
Accordion fold in slipcase.

Including the 2013 second trade edition printing on three folded cards housed in a clear plastic folder (206mm).

Illustrated on page 33 of Beyond Words, Artists' Books by Ruth R. Rogers, 2006.

Illustrated on page 103 of "Book Art Object", The Codex Foundation, 2008.

Exhibition notes:
Item 16 on TEXTures: an exhibition of texts, textures and structure in artists’ books.

Archives & Special Collections, University of Johannesburg, 5 March to 18 April 2014

Item 0133 - C7-7 on Booknesses: Artists' books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection.

UJ Art Gallery, University of Johannesburg, 25 March to 5 May 2017

Beyond Words, JGCBA, 20 June to 11 August 2023

Ref: GB/11457

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