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Skoelapperheuwel, Skoelappervrou

Item date(s): Desember 1988

Wilma Stockenström  - (poem by)
Judith Mason  - (illustrated by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 422mm

Place publication: Nieu-York & Pretoria
Publisher: Ombondi Uitgawes
Cat. 242-C6c ZA
Exhibition 2014; 2017

Additional notes:
Colophon: Skoelapperheuwel, Skoelappervrou is gedruk op 'n lithografiese oorsetpers op 250 gm Rives BFK papier deur Bruce Attwood by die Broederstroompers, Broederstroom, Suid-Afrika.

Dit is met die hand gestik en gebind in natuurlike linne en Aappa-skaapleer en van 'n glipkasset voorsien deur Peter Carstens, Bramley View, Johannesburg.

Die teks is geset in Visigoth, 'n lettertipe spesiaal vir hierdie uitgawe ontwerp deur Cynthis Hollandsworth van AlphaOmega Typography, Inc,. Rhinebeck, Nieu-York.

Bound in three-quarter blue buckram with a paste paper design in the centre of the boards."

The binding described above was delayed in 1988. Thirty copies of the unbound pages were found in 2010 and Peter Carstens then bound them with blue cloth and matching paste papers and matching slipcase. The title appears on the spine and on a label (printed by Mark Attwood) inset into the front cover of the slipcase. The artist extra-illustrated each copy with individual distinctive pencil drawings.

Referenced on p49 of ADA #6: Article: The Biggest Problem by Casper Schmidt. A full page on plans for the intended publication of this book.

Exhibition notes:
Book Arts: Artists' Books, Curated by Wilheim van Rensberg and Alet Vorster. AOP Gallery, 44 Stanley Ave, Johannesburg. 25 October - 15 November 2014

Item 0242 - C6c ZA on Booknesses: Artists' books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection. UJ Art Gallery, University of Johannesburg, 25 March to 5 May 2017

Ref: GB/12418

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