Beyond Words

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Item date(s): 2011

Sam Winston

Medium: Tosa Washi paper
Pages: unpaged
Size: 300 x 766mm
Binding: Japanese stab binding; Slipcase bound in white foam/ Moonlight Atlantic bookcloth
Technique: Digital print with pigment based ink
Edition: #10/24

Place publication: London
Publisher: Arc Artist Editions
Cat. 38
Exhibition 2014

Additional notes:
Since 1999 I collated scraps of paper, diary notes and typed word document all pertaining to this one idea I was trying to express through a story. And when in 2010 I finally did reach a final draft, I also realised I had generated a history of documents that said something about the process of writing itself. For orphan I wanted to present both my final tale and show the archaeology of the writing process. By cutting out the words from my previous drafts I created clouds of text that I could use as the 'typeface' for my final draft. It is a book in which you have both the story and its history presented on the same page.

Long oblong format.

Text set in multiple typefaces. Digital printing with pigment based ink onto 28gsm Tosa Washi paper. Japanese stab binding by Haein Song. Slipcase / wallet [chemise] bound in Foam / Moonlight Atlantic bookcloth at Book Works, London, England. Printed in 2011 at Arc Artist Editions, London, England.

Exhibition notes:
Item 38 on TEXTures: an exhibition of texts, textures and structure in artists’ books.

Archives & Special Collections, University of Johannesburg

5 March to 18 April 2014

Beyond Words

JGCBA, Wits Art Museum, Johannesburg

20 June - 11 August 2023

Ref: GB/13043

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.