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Journey Beyond the River and into the Trees
Book 3

Item date(s): 2012

Gail Behrmann  - (book artist)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 142mm

Place publication: Johannesburg
Publisher: The artist

Additional notes:
Drawings in black leporello Moleskin book with elastic tie and housed in black box.

Pencil drawing unfolding to a length of 2.75m.

Title, date and signature on card in folder at beginning of book.

Exhibition notes:
Book Arts: Artists' Books

Curated by Wilheim van Rensberg and Alet Vorster

AOP Gallery, 44 Stanley Ave, Johannesburg

25 October - 15 November 2014

Samplings: South African Artists' Books

Basement Gallery, WAM

26 March to 6 July 2019

Ref: GB/13751

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.