Beyond Words

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Typo Bilder Buch

Item date(s): 2012

Romano Hänni  - (book artist)
Jessica Schmid  - (translated by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 270mm
Edition: #37/65

Place publication: Basel
Publisher: Artists Book
Cat. 18
Exhibition 2014

Additional notes:
Set by hand and printed on a hand-proofing press.

Pictorial Supplement with Translation into American English.

The book is printed on paper towels bound between corrugated cardboard with a wrap-around cover. For this reason, it is extremely light for its size.

Exhibition notes:
Item 18 on TEXTures: an exhibition of texts, textures and structure in artists’ books.

Archives & Special Collections, University of Johannesburg

5 March to 18 April 2014

Beyond Words


20 June - 11 Aug 2023

Ref: GB/13774

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