Beyond Words

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Über den Schlaf der Metropolen

Item date(s): 2004

Heiner Müller  - (text by)
Sabine Golde  - (book artist)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 276mm
Inscription: Signed and Inscribed
Edition: Out of series of 9 copies

Place publication: Leipzig
Publisher: Carivari

Additional notes:
Aus: Anatomie Titus Fall of Rome.

Ein Shakespearekommentar, 1884/85. Henschelverlag Berlin, 1988.

Stempelschrift auf Packpapier. Acrylwalzungen auf Backpapier.

Bound in corrogated board with black leather spine.

Exhibition notes:
Beyond Words


20 June - 11 Aug 2023

Ref: GB/13969

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.