Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places

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The Outsider

Item date(s): 2013

H. P. Lovecraft
A. E. Steinhausen  - (illustrated by)
Alessandro Poeta  - (assisted by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 373mm
Inscription: Signed by the artist
Edition: #5/23

Place publication: Berlin, Germany and Vienna, Austria
Publisher: AKG

Additional notes:
46 Lithographs by Andre E Steinhausen

Printed on Zerkall Werkdruck Bütten 150g.

Housed in a brown fleece-lined slipcase.

Edition of 23 + 2 E.A.

Bookbinder Brigitte Kozumplik, Vienna

This book was realised with help from: Gerie Reumiller, Thomas Werner, Wolfgang Buchta

Exhibition notes:
Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places


6 February – 13 May 2024

Ref: GB/14649

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