Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places

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One thousand years of beauty

Item date(s): 1908, 2014

Verner von Heidenstam  - (original author)
Doris Bloom  - (book artist)

Pages: 246pp+
Size: 177mm
Inscription: Inscribed by the artist

Publisher: Artists Book

Additional notes:
Inscription: August 2017: My book for you Jack and wishes from Doris in Ireland.

Altered book including an original copper plate "DORIS BLOOM 3014" - this indicating one thousand years after 2014 - which has been printed several times.

The book is held together with a band of four different coloured wools.

The book has been altered by cutting ovals from the pages and bundling these at the end of the book; stitching with wood; and extended with a folding map at the end. Plus two unique prints and one other which is used throughout the book. Colophone pasted in before the title page.

Exhibition notes:
Faces, Spaces and Tenuous Places


6 February – 13 May 2024

Ref: GB/15365

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