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Tree of Codes [Safer Code]
[Altered Book]

Item date(s): 2011

Jonathan Safran Foer
Bruno Schulz  - (parody of)
Robbin Ami Silverberg  - (parody of)

Pages: 139pp
Size: 239mm

Place publication: London
Publisher: Visual Editions
ISBN: 978-0-9565692-1-9
Exhibition 2022

Additional notes:
See the artist's colophon on the last page showing through to the back cover.

Including some of the pieces cut out of the original book - in a plastic bag.

Housed in a red flip-top box.

Altered by Silverberg in 2014 for the auction at the Center for Book Arts, New York.

". . . So it is with some surprise that I can say I enjoyed 'writing' Safer Code. It was not an easy task, as the two previous iterations are so ar superior. And yet, I was blessed with strong material: some of Schulz's fantastic language, along with Foer's transformative editing & writing. I thank both these extraordinary authors!"

Exhibition notes:
Creative Research: The Artists’ Books of Veronika Schäpers, Robbin Ami Silverberg and Julie Chen JBCBA, WAM

22 September to 15 December 2022

Ref: GB/15644

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