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A  Decade of Democracy
Witnessing South Africa

Item date(s): 2004

Tumelo Mosaka  - (curated by)
Gary van Wyk  - (edited by)

Pages: 82pp
Size: 274mm

Place publication: New York
Publisher: South Africa Development Fund (Sondela Project)
ISBN: 0-9748838-0-8

Ref: SA/0321


Africa in the African American Imagination: A Brief Perspective
 Barry Gaither (foreword by)

Reflecting Democracy
 Gary van Wyk (essay by)

Ke e /xara //ke: South African Art under the Sign of Freedom
 Andries Walter Oliphant (essay by)

Curating a Decade of Democracy: Witnessing South Africa: A personal perspective
 Sipho Mdanda (essay by)

Our Giftedness
 Colin Richards (essay by)

Traversing the Transcending Spaces: The Roles of the Artists' Workshop and the Collective Studio in Contemporary South African Art
 David Nthubu Koloane (essay by)

Social and Political Issues in South Africa and the United States
 Winston E. Langley (essay by)

Building Creative Community
 Dana Chandler

 Dana Chandler (essay by)

On Secrets and Lies: Embodying the Past / Envisaging the Future
 Annie E. Coombes (essay by)

Decade of Democracy and Development
 Jemadari Kamara (essay by)

Decade of Democracy: Witnessing South Africa
 Tumelo Mosaka (essay by)

The Voice of the Nation
 Sophia Ainslie (essay by)

 Thembinkosi Goniwe (interviews by)
 Gary van Wyk (interview with)

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