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Contemporary South African Art
The Gencor Collection

Item date(s): 1997

Kendell Geers  - (edited by)

Pages: 168pp
Size: 268mm

Place publication: Johannesburg, RSA
Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers
ISBN: 1-86842-039-6

Ref: SA/0725


Meeting the challenge of the corporate collector
 Kendell Geers (essay by)

From Karoo Landscapes to Human Mutants. The story of the development of the Gencor art collection.
 Lesley Spiro Cohen (essay by)

Breaking Barriers in Art and Architecture. 6 Hollard Street and the art of corporate architecture.
 Mark Pencharz (essay by)

Public Statements, Private Sensibilities. Art commissions and the Gencor experience.
 Elizabeth Rankin (essay by)

Neglected Artform or Poor Relation? The importance of printmaking in Africa.
 Okwui Enwezor (essay by)

Cross Purposes. Durant Sihlali's art of allegory.
 Durant Sihlali (title)
 Colin Richards (essay by)

Coming Through the Snow. The story of a painting by John Koenakeefe Mohl.
 Elsa Miles (essay by)

Personal Column. Notes on a selection of works from the Gencor Collection.
 Julia Charlton (essay by)

Place in the Centre. South African art at the end of the century.
 Olu Oguibe (essay by)

Art in the Now South Africa. Facing truth and transformation.
 Marilyn Martin (essay by)

Zero Panoramas, Ruins in Reverse, Monumental Vacancies. Contemporary perceptions of landscape in South African art.
 Ashraf Jamal (essay by)

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