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Walking with and away from Dante

Judith Mason
Ettienne Koekemoer  - (produced by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: Two boxes = 61 x 30 x 14cm and 53 x 32 x 24cm
Language: English
Edition: One of 8 copies.

Place publication: Cape Town
Publisher: Ettienne Koekemoer

Additional notes:
3 books, 2 boxes, set of maquettes and 5 signed prints on 100 year archival paper. Box covers, book covers and selected pages contain unique hand colouring, original oil artwork and drawings with soldering iron by Judith Mason. Medium: Mixed media: wood, paper, leather, oil, pencil, lazer cut, laser engraving and heat drawings.

Each of the sets is unique as the artist hand-painted particular pages after completion of the printing process, while Judith Mason further customised the book covers and holding boxes with pencil, oils or a pyrographic application.

Ref: GB/30070

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