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Around the Corner

Item date(s): 2020

Ximena Pérez Grobet

Pages: 1100pp
Size: 205mm
Binding: Open-ended slipcase. Stab-binding
Language: English
Edition: #23/50

Place publication: Barcelona, Spain
Publisher: AMBruno, Nowhereman Press

Reference note:
Around the Corner is part of a project called One and Many Pages, organised by the British collective AMBruno in 2020. Sixteen artists were chosen to develop a proposal based on the photograph shown on the spine [actually the fore-edge] of this book, which refers to the theme of the project. Around the Corner attempts to question the two-dimensionality of medium for writing, painting, and photography. This space withstands almost anything that is put on it but does not move. It remains immobile and can be shifted from one place to another because of the spine supporting it. In this book, the photo consisting of pages moves from the space of each page, from the beginning to the end of the book. The image always refers to the movement and freedom that is provided by the page yet which is does not possess per se. Moving the photo millimetrically through the 1100 pages means that it is always possible to see the full image from anywhere in the book, the one and many pages, including the spine of the book, which enables it to be seen in ins entirety even when it is closed. This allows one to view the 1100 pages of the book and the photo at the same time, as a response to the concept of the book.

Ref: GB/30572

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