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Item date(s): 2022

Macy Chadwick

Pages: unpaged
Size: 270mm
Binding: Flip-top box
Technique: Letterpress with linoleum blocks and polymer plates with collage elements
Language: English
Inscription: Signed by the artist
Edition: #2/25

Theme(s): COVID-19 Virus

Place publication: Petaluma, CA
Publisher: In Cahoots Press

Additional notes:
The artist book is a visual narrative recounting the artist's experience of the Covid-19 pandemic, through abstract shape and color. In the first few pages of the accordion-style book, geometric shapes in cool blues and greens are aligned and balance on the page in a lyrical arrangement. As the storyline continues, a few fold-out pages reveal abstracted newspaper columns and bright, jutting graphics of hot colors. The horizon line then begins to skitter and jump; and imagery become increasingly angled, fragmented and spinning. The back of the book includes a visual interpretation of the news media and the now-familiar barrage of graphics of increasing virus, and infection. Rather than a chronicle of pandemic headlines, data, and dates, (Dis)location employs the universality of color and composition to evoke an emotional response to the pandemic and our world inexorably changed by sickness and loss.

Ref: GB/30472

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