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Making Tracks

Cheryl Penn  - (edited by)
Tiziana Baracchi  - (featured artist)
Lisa Iverson  - (featured artist)
Gillian Neish  - (featured artist)
Cheryl Penn  - (featured artist)
Marcela Peral  - (featured artist)
Stephanie Turnbull  - (featured artist)
Kathy Boyle  - (featured artist)
E  - (featured artist)

Binding: Decorated wrap-around canvass chemise with long ribbon tie.
Language: English

Sub-type: Mail Art

Additional notes:
Colophon: 3.0 #5. 8 accordion bound books (plus the colophon book), each measuring 10cm x 40cm opened.

Project coordinated on Artists Books 3.0 Ning by Cheryl Penn.

Mixed Media including sewing, drawing, printing, painting, photographs.

Project call date: 23/8/2011. End: December 2011

Participants from:

1. "E", France; Tracks.

2. Tiziana Baracchi. Italy. Making Tracks. Fluxus Venezia.

3. Lisa Iverson, USA; Making Tracks. Occupy Wall Street.

4. Gillian Neish, Scotland; Trackings. You Know You Want This.

5. Cheryl Penn, South Africa; Track/Trek. (with photographs)

6. Marcela Peral, Argentina; Solo Un Rastro. Bound in blue jeans.

7. Stephanie Turnbull, UK; Well I'd better be making tracks.

8. Kathy Boyle, New Zealand. Making Tracks. Going Off Track.

Ref: GB/31072

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