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Surplus Value Books: Catalogue #13

Item date(s): 2000

Rick Moody
David Ford  - (illustrated by)
Daniel E. Kelm  - (bookbinding by)
Wilber Schilling  - (book artist)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 200mm
Inscription: Signed by the author.
Edition: One of 26 copies (A-Z)

Place publication: Santa Monica, CA
Publisher: Danger Books (Indulgence Press)
ISBN: 0-9677410-1-7

Additional notes:
A boxed multiple! Contining a straight-jacket inside the lid which fits to the box with magnetic sides. A glass window in the lid contains the title. The box is lined with the same fabric as the straight-jacket. The box measures 49 x 23 x 11cm.

Containing a "Discharg Summary" letter in an envelope; a "Discharge Planning / Risk Assessment Screen" containing circular cutouts which fits over the segmented container. There are nine shaped segments with different items in each: a pencils, a pen, BIC White-Out, a magnifyer, a baseball card, a plastic star-wars doll, scrabble tokens and a scrabble booklet, ink stamps, a medicine bottle, a wooden disk with the title and the Standard edition of this work with a card containing additional illustrations; the details above are of this inserted book. The standard edition is contained in a card slipcase printed to resemble a mailed box with franked stamp. The ISBN of the standard edition is 0-9677410-2-5 and is number 107/174 printed and bound at Indulgence Press by Wilber Schillingin Minneapolis, Minnesota. The standard edition is quarter bound in alum tawed goat with handmade linen paper. The deluxe edition was designed in collaboration by Daniel E. Kelm and Wilber Schilling. The deluxe edition collectors box was constructed buy Daniel E. Kelm and his mechanics at the Wide Awake Garage in Easthampton, Massachusetts. The book images illustrated throughout the publication were created by David Ford.

The book first apeared as an offset artist book, published by David Ford and Rick Moody in 1999. The fine press editions of 2000 include: 174 standard copies, 7 uncorrected proofs, 26 lettered deluxe copies with 2 (Author / Illustrator) proofs and 13 Hors Commerce copies.

Illustrated on page 199 of "Book Art Object", The Codex Foundation, 2008.

Illustrated on page 114 of Masters: Book Arts, curated by Eileen Wallace, 2011.

Included in the special exhibition at the Library of Congress on 19th April, 2013 for CODEX Mexico.

Ref: GB/10210

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