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The Refusal of Time

Item date(s): December 2012

William Kentridge  - (book artist)
Philip Miller  - (music by)
Lunetta Bartz  - (designed by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 326mm
Inscription: Signed by both artists.
Edition: #2AP

Place publication: Johannesburg
Publisher: Artists Book

Additional notes:
A multiple housed in a red flip-top box with the title collaged onto the cover, containing:

1. A 12-inch vinyl with music composed by Philip Miller

2. A CD with the same music.

3. An ink and wash drawing by William Kentridge on antique printed paper which is also used for the lining of the box.

4. The 16-page libretto by William Kenridge for the theatre piece "Refuse the hour" on green paper.

5. A asymetrical colophon page signed by both artists and numbered 2AP.

Ref: GB/13972

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