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Collage-Letter to J Ginsberg

Item date(s): 1996

Peter E. Clarke

Pages: 14pp
Size: 85mm, oblong
Inscription: Signed by the artist

Place publication: Ocean View, CP, RSA
Publisher: Artists Book

Additional notes:
Accordion fold.

Letter occupies pages 10, 11 and 12.

In envelope from Clarke, 14 Alpha Way, Ocean View, 7975 with a hand-made postage stamp signed and dated 1996.

14 Alpha Way, Ocean View. CP. 7975 / Thursday 30 May 1996

Dear Mr Ginsberg

Quite recently while orking quietly on a series of artist's books the thought suddenly occurred to me, "This is such a peculiar - pleasand, almost pointless - preoccupation. What is the purpose of making a book that will say nothing to anybody & yet what is it that makes me so happy creating thisspecial kind of book?" a mystery. Maybe the answer lies in the simple fact that all art has its origins in mystery.

Because I am an artist when I made a book my approach to it is that of the person involved in the art process. When David Paton came to see me in connection with the exhibition of artists books that he is going to curate & when he mentioned your name & the fact that you have a collection of artists' books, I was both amazed & amused. I couldn’t help smiling. "How crazy", I thought, & how wonderful.

Greetings from one person crazily involved in the creation of a rather peculiar art form to another who, peculiarly, is enthusiastically craabout that particular art form.

Your sincerely, Peter E. Clarke PETER E CLARKE.

Ref: GB/14792

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