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Item date(s): 2019

Katie Baldwin
Denise Bookwalter
Sarah Bryant
Macy Chadwick
Tricia Treacy

Pages: various
Size: 286 x 227 x110mm
Inscription: Signed by all participants
Edition: #5/40

Publisher: Shift-lab

Additional notes:
Cards, letters, pamphlets, boolets and colophon housed in separate compartments within a grey flip-top box with the title on the side of the flip-top.

REF is an investigation into the erosion of the physical reference area of the library, and the fundamental shift taking place in the way we ask and answer questions. Artists worked individually and collaboratively to produce elements inspired by the traditional components of a physical reference section: Almanac, Atlas, Bibliography, Biographical Dictionary, Chronology, Concordance, Dictionary, Directory, Encyclopedia, Gazetteer, Guidebook, Handbook, Index, Manual, and Yearbook. Each of these partitions are labelled. In addition there are separate compartments for the Colophon, a letter and a DVD

Printing methods include letterpress, risograph, screenprinting, laser printing, and digital printing.

Ref: GB/16486

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