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Finnegans Wake

Item date(s): 1939

James Joyce
David Sellars  - (bookbinding by)

Pages: 628pp
Size: 220mm
Binding: Designer binding

Place publication: London
Publisher: Faber & Faber Ltd

Additional notes:
Details as listed in the catalogue of "The Open & Closed Book", an exhibition of contemporary book arts held at the Victoria and Albert Museum from 12/9/79-18/11/79 (and extended), page 43: 628p. 23.5 x 16cm. Lent by J. M. Ginsberg Esq. Bound in reversed goatskin. Black tooling. With black crumpled Oasis goatskin onlays. Edges coloured. Joints tight. Beige Oasis doublures. Binding signed inside back board; not dated [1978].

Illustrated on page 19 of The Book: Art & Object by Philip Smith.

Reference note:
See: AB/4015.

See correspondence in the valuation file on the complicated history of this purchase.

Ref: GB/3339

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