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Item date(s): 1994

Buzz Spector  - (bookartist)
Philip Gallo  - (typography by)
Brad Freeman  - (printed by)
Jill Jevne  - (bookbinding by)

Pages: 181pp (360pp?)
Size: 220mm
Binding: Japanese book cloth
Edition: Letter 'E' /48 copies

Place publication: New York
Publisher: Granary Books
Cat. 64; 8
Exhibition 1996; 2014

Additional notes:
Wedge shaped book.

Illustrated on page 123c of The Cutting Edge of Reading: Artists' Books by Renée Riese Hubert & Judd D. Hubert, 1999.

Illustrated on page 119 of The Century of Artists' Books by Johanna Drucker, 1995.

Illustrated on page 158 of When will the book be done? By Steven Clay, 2001.

See Bonhams auction catalogue 15/12/2009, Lot 5122.

Reference note:
Edmond Jabes has noted, :Mark the first page of a book with a red ribbon, for the wound is inscribed at the beginning.: Buzz Spector's first publication with Granary Books, A PASSAGE, is a profoundly wounded book. Using the method of his unique altered bookworks, Spector has torn these pages in a sequence of lessening increments to make a cross section of his text. Each and every volume in the edition has been altered in the same way, leaving a shredded field of topographic characters whose 'miraculous' legibility gives further meaning to the poignant personal narrative Spector has written. A PASSAGE reminds us that the story a book tells its readers is a response to the caresses they bestow upon it.

Offset printing on Mohawk Superfine.

Exhibition notes:
Item 64 on Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection, with some South African Books from Other Collections.

Johannesburg Art Gallery

25 August to 27 October 1996

Item 8 on TEXTures: an exhibition of texts, textures and structure in artists’ books.

Archives & Special Collections, University of Johannesburg

5 March to 18 April 2014

Ref: GB/6087

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.