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Verzamelde Werken
Een Hommage aan Ulises Carrión

Item date(s): 1991

Henriette Kindt  - (preface by)
Johan M. H. Deumens  - (introduction by)
Anne Moeglin-Delcroix  - (introduction by)

Pages: 56pp +
Size: 170mm, oblong

Sub-type: Exhibition catalogue

Place publication: Groningen, Holland
Publisher: Centrum Beeldende Kunst
ISBN: 90-72324-09-9

Additional notes:
Bilingual Dutch English.

Stamp of Other Books & So Archive, Geneva.

Exhibition: 5/11/91-5/1/92.

Ref: 1292


Of Artists' Books and Collections
 Anne Moeglin-Delcroix (essay by)
   The collection, the book, the artist's book.

Featured Artists
 Giuseppe Zevola
 Hayo van Gemerden
 Corrie van de Vendel
 Roland Sips
 Per Jonas
 Michael Buthe
 Jiri H. Kocman
 Sjoerd Hofstra
 Alec Finlay
 Frans Baake
 Hans Waanders
 Guy Bleus

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