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Anna Livia Plurabelle
A Fragment of Finnegans Wake to mark the centenary of the birth of James Joyce

Item date(s): 1982

James Joyce
David Sellars  - (bookbinding by)

Pages: 27pp
Size: 300mm
Binding: Designer binding
Inscription: Signed by the artist.
Edition: Unique binding. #3/30

Theme(s): James Joyce

Place publication: (London)
Publisher: The Chimaera Press

Additional notes:
This fragment of Finnegans Wake was commissioned by Fellows of Designer Binders to mark the centenary of the birth of James Joyce.

The book was designed by Michael Hutchins and printed by him on an Albion handpress being completed on 2 February [Joyce's birthday and Bloomsday] 1982.

This edition comprises thirty copies, ten of which have been reserved for subscribers to the Chimaera Press. This copy is Number 3 and was printed for David Sellars (who signed in pencil on the colophon).

Unique binding and boxing by David Sellars stamped in blind with his initials and dated "82" on the rear doublure. Black tooled designs on gray leather over boards, with inlaid triangular front panel with three-dimentional painted design of various materials (including the material covering the box); back cover with inlaid brown leather and strips of painted dark fabric with geometric blind tooled decoration. Black doublures with simple four-line relief tooling. All edges painted turquoise with an intricate multi-coloured design over the turquoise. In a painted thick cord covered container with four round see- through windows in the front and back. Windows with streaks of turquoise paint allowing glimpses of the intricate and comnplex binding within. Black felt lining. Closure with velcro.

Reference note:
See: AB/4015.

Exhibition notes:
‘Small editions’, Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts, Johannesburg. 14 October 2021 – 28 January 2022.

Keywords: SAFE

Ref: GB/8799

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