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Aspects of South African Art

Item date(s): 2001

Johans Borman
Warren Siebrits  - (co-author)

Pages: 46pp
Size: 255mm

Place publication: Cape Town & Johannesburg, RSA
Publisher: Johans Borman Fine Art Gallery and Warren Siebrits
ISBN: 0-620-28019-0
Catalogue 01 (note)

Additional notes:
1903-1999. At the Sandton Civic Gallery, Johannesburg, 14/9/01-29/9/01.

This is catalogue number 1 with Johans Borman, not to be confused with catalogue number 1 with Siebrits independently as a gallerist.

This is not the first catalogue in the gallery.

The other catalogue numbered '01', Aspects of South African Art, was for the opening of the gallery.

Ref: SA/0196

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