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Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection
Ephemera relating to the exhibition

Item date(s): 1996

Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
David Murray Paton  - (curated by)

Pages: various
Size: Box = 310mm
Language: English

Place publication: Johannesburg
Publisher: Jack M. Ginsberg

Additional notes:
Exhibition catalogues: An additional unnumbered copy of the exhibition catalogue and the working copy. #3/3 copies. Another copy inscribed by David Paton. #2/3 copies.

Photographs and negatives of the opening of the exhibition and the exhibits.

Multiple copies of the invitation to the opening of the exhibition (folded card).

Multiple copies of the flyer handed to visitors to the exhibition (double folded pamphlet).

Press clippings of the exhibition.

Tape recording.

Address by Jack Ginsberg to the opening of the exhibition on 25th August 1996.

Curriculum Vitae of David Neale Bunn and his address to the opening of the exhibition.

General correspondence concerning the exhibition.

Reference note:
Wall panels: Note(s) for the Exhibition. This section is packaged separately [59 x 42cm] and stored in the Battiss cupboard #34.

1. On the layout of the exhibition. "This show is curated in the form of a BOOK. . . . [1pp]

2. Guidelines for the differentiation of book-objects. [6pp]

3. preface: Livres d'Artistes; Fine Press Books; Techniques.

4. [Fourteen] Chapter divisions of the exhibition. [14pp, missing Chapter 7: Artists' Books as Collaboration]

5. End Note. The Artist's Book as: Future Object. [3pp]

Ref: 3725

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.