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Item date(s): 2017

Kathleen Patricia Sawyer

Medium: Moleskine
Size: 105 x 65 x 5
Technique: Ballpoint pen
Edition: Unique

Theme(s): Tarot card of Swords. Female perception and memory of sexual trauma

Place publication: Grahamstown
Publisher: The artist
Exhibition 2017

Reference note:
Small moleskine book with cut and drawn imagery

Based on the Tarot suite of the same name, Swords is a meditation on the female perception and memory of sexual trauma. In Tarot lore, the suite of Swords is associated with force, oppression, power, and masculinity. The Nine of Swords carries connotations of fear, anxiety, despair, hopelessness, and unresolved conflicts. For these reasons, this card is regarded by readers to be indicative of negativity when drawn.

Exhibition notes:
‘Booknesses: Contemporary South African Artist's Books’.

FADA Gallery, University of Johannesburg.

Curated by David Paton and Eugene Hon.

24 March - 5 May 2017

Ref: DP/17043

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