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Festival Quadrennial Exhibition of South African Art - 1960
Vierjarlikse Fees Tentoonstelling van Suid-Afrikaanse Kuns - 1960

Item date(s): 17.5.1960

Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
J. J. Serfontein  - (foreword by)
Cecil Skotnes  - (cover by)

Pages: 24 + 24pp
Size: 215mm
Binding: Dos-à-dos
Language: English; Afrikaans
Inscription: Signed by Walter Battiss

Sub-type: Exhibition catalogue

Place publication: Cape Town, RSA
Publisher: South African Association of Arts
Schoonraad 1960 F

Additional notes:
Organised under the auspices of the Minister of Education, Arts and Science for the 50th anniversary of the Union of South Africa.

Battiss had three entries:

The Cavern. Oil.

Group at Dawn. Oil.

Signs and Calligrams. Oil. (which is illustrated)

The are twelve pages of illustrations in the centre of the catalogue.

Ref: GB/30188

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