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Fook Isle Banknote (1ak)

Item date(s): (1978) Date taken from drawing for the stamp

Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (relationship)
Norman Catherine  - (artist)

Size: 12.5 x 6.3cm
Inscription: Signed by the artist

Publisher: The artist
ART 0731

Additional notes:

1AK (in Fook script - left), Fook Isle Bank (in fancy script - centre). 1ak (right).

The preliminary drawing negative for this item is illustrated (in black and white) on p142 (Fig. 53) of Walter Battiss edited by Karin Skawran & Michael Macnamara, published by Ad Donker, 1985.

The original ink drawing (obverse and reverse) is Item 0731in this collection.

Transliterations of illustration of Fook Island alphabet:

On p 124 (Fig. 50) of Walter Battiss edited by Karin Skawran & Michael Macnamara, published by Ad Donker, 1985.

On p 243-296 of Walter Battiss: “I Invented Myself” by Warren Siebrits and Jack Ginsberg, published by The Ampersand Foundation. 2016.

The banknote contains a great deal of very small text on both sides which is more easily readable on the original drawing (Item 0731) referred to above.

On the obverse (inter alia):

At bottom: Self portrait. Tree 20. 1969. EL . . . M.I.K.E. Mike Steel. Mike Ike . Bunny. Baboon Nanoon Harpoon . Elf . Rochne . Harry . Jeff . Myself . Barry . Francis Janet . He . She . U Rang Q Tang. Fook Reserve Bank . Ramsay McT. [see note below] B . AT . Battiss . 155 Bat . iss .Cat . iss Cat . Marine .Cat . Herione (sic). Climb uboard (sic). Cather. Garook. Gorr.i.l.a.

At top: signed in pencil "Norman Catherine" No. . . . . . ." This copy is signed but most were not.

At left: S.O.S

At right: S.X.S (in Fook script) and other letters in Fook script scattered throughout.

In body: RATT. A. TAT. TAT / FOOK AIRMAIL / 1234565 / CLK (in Fook script) / PLOOP / B DOT / CRAP /FFFFFF.

[Note: Ramsay McT above probably refers to Ramsay Mackay with whom Catherine wrote "Last Letters from the Wilderness" in 1978].


At bottom: Norman King Norman PTO. Foooing Dooing. Fook South Coast. Deeep. 1/2 Million Foot.

Catherine has also (transgressively) spelt out FUCK in the Fook Alphabet as well as the word FOOK.


At top: Signed in pencil at left: "N. Catherine"

Reference note:
See: duplicates.

See: original drawings.

Ref: GB/50151

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.