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J. H. Pierneef

Item date(s): August 1964

Jacob Hendrik Pierneef  - (title)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 220mm
Binding: Stapled
Language: English
Edition: #24/1000

Place publication: Johannesburg, RSA
Publisher: Egon Guenther and Adler Fielding Galleries

Additional notes:
This commemorative booklet was printed on the occasion of the Pierneef Festival arranged by the Egon Guenther and the Adler Fielding Galleries, Johannesburg.

Ref: SA/2468


Pierneef. Many Faces of a Genius
 J. F. Marais (essay by)

Jacob Hendrik Pierneef (1886-1957)
 Anton Hendriks (essay by)

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