Search: South African Art Monographs

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Art in South Africa
A Short Survey

Item date(s): n.d.

Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
A. J. Werth  - (introduction by)
C. van Skalkwyk  - (foreword by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 278mm
Language: English

Place publication: Washington, DC
Publisher: South African Embassy

Additional notes:
Including a single sheet stating: To ensure a representative collection, works which have been donated to the South African Embassy in Washington for permanent exhibition were replaced by the artist with another work. The following works are included to replace those in the catalogue.

Note: Items 5 (Chevron) and 6 (Don't Drop Stones on People), silkscreens are listed.

Ref: GB/30694

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