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The Kings of Fook Island

Item date(s): 5 April 1986

Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
Norman Catherine  - (featured artist)

Pages: 8pp
Size: 243mm
Binding: Stapled
Language: English; Fook

Place publication: Johannesburg
Publisher: Goodman Gallery

Additional notes:
Pamphlet launching the photolithograph reproductions of Battiss and Catherine prints.

Welcome all Fookians to a Royal gathering at The Goodman Gallery (the Official Fook residence) to celebrate the spirit of the "never late" KING FERD THE THIRD and the ever present NORMAN KING NORMAN.

The Royal Opening will take place on Sunday 6th April 1986 at just about moon-time (6.00 pm - 8 pm). The very exciting preview will allow Fookians to glimpse the treasurers on Saturday 5th April 1986 from 9.30 am - 6.00 pm.

Walter Battiss. BATT - 155 1986. A portfolio of 7 reproductions and stamps in a limited edition of 100 signed and numbered by Giles Battiss for the Estate. Published by the Goodman Gallery. Printed by the Broederstroom Press. Other Fookiana will be on display. Price R395 excluding sales tax.

The Battiss prints are:

1. Chariot of fire. Originally oil.

2. Gymnopedie. Originally oil.

3. People in love with trees. Originally oil.

4. Bourtzi - Nauplion. Originally watercolour.

5. Leisure Bay. Originally watercolour.

6. The Watermelon eater. Originally oil.

7. Birds of a feather. Originally oil.

8. Kouros. Originally oil.

A tribute to King Ferd the Third by Norman King Norman. A portfolio of 8 reproductions [appear to be only 6 and this is a misprint] of much-loved prehistoric and domestic animals from the Island of Fook (Treasures from the Archives). A limited edition of 100 numbered and signed by the artist.

A special edition of Fook stamps by the Norman King is included in the portfolio. Published by the Goodman Gallery. Printed by the Broederstroom Press. Price R295 excluding sales tax.

The Catherine prints are:

1. Fook Island Stamps. [The perforated edition]

2. The Luminous Fook Mook

3. The Rae Gaboob

4. Feeding Baby Twittering Twook

5. The Fook Island Luminous Terrier

6.The Batearo Cat

Plus 4 single sheets depicting the 6 Catherine prints.

Ref: GB/30938

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