Pages: unpaged Size: 395mm Language: English Inscription: Signed by the poet, bookbinder and the artist Edition: Book: #34/60; Companion:320
Type: Accordion fold - complex
Place publication: Mendocino Publisher: Moving Parts Press
Additional notes: The limited edition artists’ book, Heavy Lifting, is the outcome of a close collaboration between artist/printer Felicia Rice of Moving Parts Press and poet Theresa Whitehill. It began in 2019 with an exchange in which a poem sparked a drawing which sparked a poem which led to a book structure, then spiraled back round again. In 2020, during their early work on the project, Felicia lost her letterpress shop of over 40 years to a devastating megafire in the Santa Cruz Mountains just as the death of George Floyd trained a blazing light on the many deep-seated inequities in this country amid the global pandemic and threat of political totalitarianism. Heavy Lifting took flight in spite of and because of our personal and collective crises of this terrible time and tackles these issues in book form, performance, and dialogue in search of a tenable future.
The innovative book structure of nested accordion-fold panels features stunning poems by Theresa Whitehill in compelling conversation with prints by Felicia Rice. Inge Bruggeman writes in the preface to The Heavy Lifting Companion, “Felicia Rice has … an unsurpassed commitment to the book as a unique space for expressing artistic content…. Heavy Lifting not only demonstrates Rice’s innovative use of the artists’ book format, it reveals the unique power of this art form to unfurl within the hands of the individual, thus beautifully connecting the individual’s role to art, poetry, and the world around them.”
Reference note: Structured clamshell case holding the components of the book in compartments.
Lower section: A Film Experiment on Heavy Lifting. Computer SD Card in brown envelope.
Middle section: The Heavy Lifting Companion. 59pp.
Top section: Heavy Lifting book. Two nested accordion-fold panels. With folding instructions on the colophon and page 56 of the Companion.
Additional material:
Single sheet. Heavy Lifting Listening Tour.
Real Estate Magazine supporting articles of local interest - in this issue Heavy Lifting.
Article on page 41 of Parenthesis #45. Autumn 2023
Exhibition notes: leporello
24 Sept - 13 Dec 2024
Ref: GB/31071
Rising from the Ashes Felicia Rice (essay by) p. xiii
Different Reading, A New Art Inge Bruggeman (essay by) p. viii