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Item date(s): December 2023

Veronika Schäpers  - (book artist)
Anja Grunwald  - (two-point perspective)
Nicole Blaffert  - (photographs by)
Franz Wamhof  - (photographs by)
Jeremias Mechler  - (text encryption by)
Jörn Müller-Quade  - (text encryption by)

Pages: 52pp
Size: 355mm
Binding: Kozo covered Enduro Ice paper with embossed title printed from polymer plates
Language: English
Edition: #3/25

Place publication: Karlsruhe, Germany
Publisher: The artist

Additional notes:
Text encryption: Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade and Dr. Jeremias Mechler, KASTEL, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Photography: Blaffert/Wamhof, Nicole Blaffert and Franz Wamhof.

Letterpress from polymer plates on Toshaban ganpi paper, Bicchu ganpi paper & mitsumata paper M41.

Colophon on inside of chemise with expanded colophon and text in pamphlet.

Three-part magnetic puzzle slipcase with title embossing, made by Buchbinderei Mergemeier in Düsseldorf.

Edition: 25 copies with consecutive Arabic numerals and 4 copies with consecutive Roman numerals.

See additional documentation under Management.

Ref: GB/31105

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.