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Brushing up on Irma Stern
Featuring works from the permanent collection of the Iziko South African National Gallery

Item date(s): November 2015

Carol Kaufmann  - (curated and edited by)
Andrea Lewis  - (curated and edited by)
Lucy Stuart-Clark  - (researched by)

Pages: 121pp
Size: 210mm
Language: English

Place publication: Cape Town, RSA
Publisher: Iziko South African National Gallery
ISBN: 978-1-919944-38-8

Ref: SA/2606


Message from Iziko
 Hayden Proud

In Defence of Irma Stern: Thoughts on art and politics in post-apartheid South Africa
 LaNitra M. Berger (essay by)

The Life of Irma Stern
 Andrea Lewis (essay by)

Gargantuan Feast: Analysis of the Artist's Work
 Andrea Lewis (essay by)

Irma Stern and the South African National Gallery
 Hayden Proud (essay by)

The phenomenal rise of Irma Stern
 Hannah O'Leary (essay by)

Zanzibar and the Swahili Coast
 Carol Kaufmann (essay by)

The Sultan's throne
 Carol Kaufmann (essay by)

The Malay Bride
 Carol Kaufmann (essay by)

What She Saw
 Gabeba Baderoon (essay by)

From Rwanda
 Carol Kaufmann (essay by)

Recovering identity - Rwandese notables in the portraits of Irma Stern
 Carol Kaufmann (essay by)

Anti-Patra Ruga
 Andrea Lewis (essay by)

Irma Stern in the 21st Century: An American Perspective
 LaNitra M. Berger (essay by)

Pamela Frampton
 Christopher Peter (essay by)

Generously loaned: eight superlative oils from private collections
 Phillippa Duncan (essay by)

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