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Marbled Paper
Experiments to Show that Paper Really Does Matter

Item date(s): 2023

Barbara Hodgson  - (book artist)
Claudia Cohen  - (bookbinding by)
Rollin Milroy  - (printed by)

Pages: 51 plates
Size: 250mm
Binding: Decorated slipcase
Language: English
Edition: #4/17

Publisher: Heavenly Monkey

Additional notes:
Marbled paper was written, marbled and designed by Barbara Hodgson, who also composed the text in Monotype Fournier. It incorporates at least 68 marbled examples on 51 different papers. There are also 29 unmarbled swatches. It was printed damp by Rollin Milroy of Heavenly Monkey on arches Text Wove. It was bound by Claudia Cohen in her Seattle studio. The edition is 17 numbered & three lettered copies, each signed by the author, printer and binder.

Ref: GB/31659

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