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Artist's Book Yearbook 2010-2011

Item date(s): 2009

Sarah Bodman  - (edited by)
Tanya Peixoto  - (associate)
John Bentley  - (associate)

Pages: 256pp
Size: 296mm

Place publication: Bristol, UK
Publisher: Impact Press
ISBN: 978-1-906501-02-0
Previous reference 2027

Additional notes:
Centre for Fine Print Research. University of the West of England.

Ref: 4024


An exploration of the uses of the book in post apocalypse literature
 John Bentley (essay by)

Dmitry Sayenko, interview with Sarah Bodman
 Dmitry Sayenko (interview with)
 Sarah Bodman (interview by)

 Nancy Campbell (essay by)

The Critical Commenwealth
 Andrew Eason (essay by)

BAS - Islanbul
 Banu Cennetogul (essay by)

Possible Strategies For Exploiting Wikipedia for the Dissemination and Profiling of Artists' Books and Multiples on the Internet
 Francis Elliot (essay by)

Short Story about Indulgence Press
 Trish Carney Schilling (essay by)

What I do with Books
 Lina Hakim (essay by)

Concepts for the realisation and exhibition of experimental and artists' books.
 Jeanine Eerdekens (essay by)
 Kris De Tollenaere (essay by)
 Wim De Buck (essay by)
   Research by the Graphic Design department of the Media and Design Academy, Genk, Belgium.

Stanley Chapman - In Memoriam
 Chris Allen (essay by)
 Stanley Chapman (title)
 Sarah Bodman (essay by)

At BABE with the Knitting and Sewing School
 Linda Newington (essay by)

I Vandergrift Davala, interview with Tom Sowden
 Tom Sowden (interview by)
 I. Vandegrift Davala (interview with)

Contemporary printmaking and the artist's book in Australia
 Julie Barratt (essay by)

Ebooks - Cuckoos in the Nest?
 Mette-Sofie D. Ambeck (essay by)

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