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Item date(s): 2024

Ivan Krassoievitch

Pages: unpaged
Size: 320mm, oblong
Language: Spanish
Edition: #7/10

Place publication: Mexico
Publisher: Edicion e impresion de Anemona Editores

Additional notes:
Four individual leoprellos bound in black card, with designs from the following: ['] Apostrophe | [.] Full Stop | [()] Brackets | [{}] Curly Brackets. All housed in a flip-top box with the colophon on the the inside lid.

Printed in Helvetica.

Impresso en inyeccion de tintas pigmentadas sobre Photo Matt Fibre 200 gr.

Printed in injection of pigmented inks on Photo Matt Fiber 200 gr.

Esta libro es un homenaje a los signos ortograficos y tiene como origen mi fascinacion por el lenguaje y su plasticidad. Este libro es un homenaje a las persianas.

This book is a tribute to spelling signs and has as its origin my fascination with language and its plasticity. This book is a tribute to blinds.

Son todas aquellas marcas grificas que, no siendo numeros ni letras, aparecen en los textos escritos con el fin de contribuir a su correcta lectura e interpretacion. Cada uno de ellos tiene una funcion propia y unos usos establecidos por convecion. Se distinguen tres tipos: signos diacriticos, signos de puntuacion y signos auxillares.

They are all those graphic marks that, not being numbers or letters, appear in written texts in order to contribute to their correct reading and interpretation. Each of them has its own function and uses established by convention. Three types are distinguished: diacritical marks, punctuation marks and auxiliary signs.

Ref: GB/31127

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