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an exhibition of texts, textures and structure in artists' books

Item date(s): 2014

David Murray Paton  - (curated with an essay by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated with an introduction by)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (curated by)
Riette Zaaiman  - (foreword by)

Pages: 31pp
Size: 204mm

Sub-type: Exhibition catalogue

Place publication: Johannesburg
Publisher: University of Johannesburg
ISBN: 978-0-86970-779-1

Additional notes:
Archives & Specil Collections, Library and Information Centre, Doornfontein Campus.

Exhibition: 5/3/14-18/4/14.

See also the Power Point presentation by David Paton and opening speech by Jack Ginsberg.

Also a second edition (slightly thiner format) with some corrections.

Seven copies deposited in the JGCBA.

Ref: 2684

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.