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Artists' Books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection

Item date(s): 2017

Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
David Murray Paton  - (curated by)
Robyn Sassen  - (edited with an introduction by)
Federico Freschi  - (foreword by)

Pages: 265pp
Size: 280mm
Inscription: Signed by the collector

Sub-type: Exhibition catalogue

Place publication: Johannesburg
Publisher: The University of Johannesburg
ISBN: 978-0-86970-796-8
Exhibition 2019-1

Additional notes:
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Booknesses: Artists' Books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection, organised and curated by David Paton, Department of Visual Art, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 March - 5 May 2017.

The catalogue aslo houses the 21st anniversary special edition of the exhibition catalogue: Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection, Johannesburg Art Gallery, 25 August - 27 October 1996.

See also Art item: #2071 for an asemic letter by Alice Edy referring to Booknesses.

Exhibition notes:
Samplings: International Artists' Books and Archive on the Book Arts


26 March to 6 July 2019

Ref: 2966


Simultaneous Journeys: Thematics in the Curating of Booknesses: Artists' Books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection
 David Murray Paton (essay by)

Between the Folds: The Struggle Between Images and Texts with Reference to Selected Artists' Books
 Keith Dietrich (essay by)

Axeage Private Press and the Book in a Cave
 Pippa Skotnes (essay by)

New Yorker's Parallax View
 Robbin Ami Silverberg (essay by)

Conversation with Jack Ginsberg
 Rosalind Cleaver (essay by)
 Kim Berman (essay by)
 David Murray Paton (essay by)
 Jack M. Ginsberg (title)

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.