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AbraCadaBra. Issue Number 10

Item date(s): Spring, 1996

Susan E. King  - (edited by)

Pages: 48pp
Size: 275mm

Sub-type: Periodical

Place publication: Los Angeles, CA
Publisher: Alliance for Contemporary Book Arts
Issue #10

Additional notes:
(Auto)biographical Writing and the Artists' Book.

Ref: 0300


Thinking about artists' books and the use of (auto)biography
 Susan E. King (essay by)

Personal Work and Its Shadows
 Betsy Davids (essay by)

About Us
 Joan Lyons (essay by)

Writing for Artists' Books
 Katherine Ng (essay by)

Narratology: Dilemmas of Genre Fiction, Lived Experience, and Book Structure
 Johanna Drucker (essay by)

Creating a Particular Horizon
 Breyten Breytenbach (essay by)

The  Biography of a Book
 Scott McCarney (essay by)
   Discusses Memory Loss.

Out of the Scriptoria, Into the Maelstrom
 Bonnie O'Connell (essay by)

Susan King's Marriage of True Minds and Clarissa Sligh's Open House Biography
 Renée Riese Hubert  (essay by)
   In Collaboration with J. D. Hubert

The  Century of Artists' Books
 Susan E. King (review by)

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