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Selected Poems 1961-1991

Item date(s): 1992

Patrick Cullinan
Steven Watson  - (edited with an introduction by)
Judith Mason  - (illustrated by)
Johann Maree  - (bookbinding by)
Bruce Attwood  - (cover made by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 390mm
Inscription: Signed by all participants
Edition: #5/40

Place publication: Johannesburg, RSA
Publisher: The Artists' Press
ISBN: 0-620-17026-3
Cat. 193; 3
Exhibition 96; 14; 19

Additional notes:
With forty lithographs, four drawings and an oil painting by Judith Mason. Handprinted by Mark Attwood.

Colophon: "Printed on BFK Rives 250gms by Mark Attwood, Johannesburg. Images are original lithographs handprinted from metal plates and stones. Typeset in Garamond by Liz Wigginton, Johannesburg. Each book includes an original oil painting on Belgian linen canvas [see below]. Covers made by Bruce Attwood, Daljosafat. Hand bound by Johan Maree, Cape Town. Printed in a numbered edition of 40 with 8 Artists' Proofs and 2 hors commerce copies."

Plate and stone lithography, pencil and oil on canvas.

The frontispiece is an original oil painting and titled "The Estuary. August 1964" by the artist.

A second copy of this book was donated by Judith Mason's family to the Wits Art Museum as part of the Judith Mason Archive after her death in 2016. This copy does not contain the oil painting; it is not signed by Judith Mason although it is signed by both Patrick Cullinan and Steven Watson. This copy is out-of-series and not numbered. Possibly it was decided not to use this copy as the cover is slightly damaged.

Exhibition notes:
Item 193 in the exhibition "Artists Books in the Ginsberg Collection" at the Johannesburg Art Gallery 25/8/96-27/10/96.

Item 3 on TEXTures: an exhibition of texts, textures and structure in artists’ books.

Archives & Special Collections, University of Johannesburg

5 March to 18 April 2014

Samplings: South African Artists' Books

Basement Gallery, WAM

26 March to 6 July 2019

Ref: GB/10002

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.